
Testing + Quality Assurance

Hourly rate: $75    Minimum budget: $500

If it has to work, you have to test. But writing tests is a pain. So we're happy to do it for you.

Why do you need a well tested web site? Sales, reputation, and reliability.

Automated testing lets you fix bugs before your customers see them. Bugs lose sales. Every sale you save makes you more money.

Today people expect a nearly bug free site. Anything less can ruin your reputation fast. And of course, your site is far more likely to work well if you test.

Logs are usually the fastest way to debug a problem. But ordinary logs aren't enough for today's multiprocessing systems. You often need more than one process to write to a log. And without concurrency management, basic logs become useless garbage when you need them most. We provide log servers that queue the messages and write them safely.

The toughest bugs show nothing in the logs. They are almost always uncaught code errors and exceptions that aren't records in logs. In threads, sub-processes, generators, etc. you have to carefully include specific try/except patterns, or the exception is never logged at all. We know and apply these patterns so concurrency bugs are caught right away.

With these changes you can see exactly where the bug is. You know the procedure, the process, what happened immediately before the bug, and what went wrong. So it's usually easy to fix.

Get fully automated tests for your software. Live functional tests, unit tests, and static tests.

To be sure your latest changes work, just run your tests. You'll know immediately that everything's fine, or what needs attention.

Whenever something doesn't work, tell us. We'll add a regression test, so that bug doesn't ever slip back in.


  • Automation Software and QA Testing
  • Bug Fixes
  • DevOps
  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Selenium
  • Software Testing
  • Test Case Design
  • Test Driven Development
  • Troubleshooting
  • Unit Testing